- Opening Hours
- I – VII: 10:00 – 20:00
- Contact Us
- Tel.: +370 631 22224
- Email: info@zoopark.lt

Working hours:
12/17/2019: 10 AM-5 PM
12/18/2019: 12 AM-9 PM
‘’Zoopark’’ – the first ever zoo in Lithuania, where visitors have the opportunity to learn more about the animals by having a direct contact with them – all animals are allowed to be pet, touched, fed, played with or observed.
• Unique educational project which aims to develop patience, caring and responsibility abilities for kids as well as expand their knowledge.
• Opportunity to get a closer look into animal species by observing and taking care of them.
• Animal therapy is acknowledged for health benefits.
• All animals at the Zoopark were brought up at homes and are used to being around people and having contact with them.
• Our animals are being looked after by a group of qualified vets and zoo keepers to make sure they are healthy and safe to play with.
• Our animals are being fed locally produced high quality food full of nutrients to keep them energetic and happy.